Monday, September 19, 2005

Kids' Chores

I thought I would write a post about the chores my kids do.

Both kids have been doing dishes for a few years. The youngest started seriously when he was 7.
On odd days of the month, my son (age 9) gets to sit in the front seat of the car. He also only has to clear and wipe down the surfaces, while his sister (11) does the dishes- every meal. On those days he also unpacks the top shelf of the dishwasher while she unpacks the bottom. On even days, obviously , this is reversed. The convenience of having 2 children! When their big sister stays with us, she just helps them.

Jared- apart from kitchen duties, he empties all the bins and puts new liners in them. The kitchen bins are a few times a week, the other bins around the house are just once a week before rubbish day. He also feeds the dog and cleans the pool, and puts chlorine in the pool every 2nd day.
He also does his own washing, which he is capable of doing alone now, although I usually supervise still (and remind him to hang it up, bring it in, put is away etc).

Genevieve: apart from kitchen duties, she feeds the cat, and the chooks. Feeding the chooks involves water, chook feed, and taking the scraps bucket out to them once a day, and washing the scrap bucket. Of course she also brings in the eggs.
She also does her own washing. She must keep her room clean- we are working on that.

Each week, usually Saturday morning, we do our House Blessing. That involves: vacuuming, dusting, basic tidying, and bathrooms. We swap and change jobs frequently and take less than an hour altogether.

I do the Flylady system, so other cleaning jobs are spread throughout the week, including deep cleaning. Theoretically, anyway, but it helps to have a system.


Jay said...

I would like to link to your entry, Kids' Chores , Peela . It would be a perfect fit for my website home school books , with your permission.

Jay said...

Hey Peela, I need articles for my site, homeschool gathering place, so I did a search for homeschool gathering place and came across your site. I just read your entry, Kids' Chores and thought I could use this entry as an article. I of course am asking your permission before I publish it.

Jay said...

Peela, Kids' Chores turns out to be exactly what I am looking for, for my site homeschool gathering place . With your permission, I would like to publish it.