Friday, February 25, 2005


Well its been a while since I blogged.
The issue thats been fired up in the last day or so on the WTM boards is how to do/ get to Science? It seems many of us love history and find it difficult to teach, or find the time to teach, Science.
Its been an issue that I have thought about a lot.
I love Science. I just don't like the mess, the making it into work, the dryness of turning it into a subject.
I think Science is Life. It's real, it's nature, it's the world around us, and you have to get out there and touch, feel, taste, listen to it. Thats why I dont like 'studying' it. I don't want to turn my own love of nature or my kids' into a subject. I dont like doing Science experiments, like growing beans in different environments, because they are too contrived, and my kids already know the result, because we have a garden. Anyone with a garden knows.
All right, there are other things we could do as experiments that they wouldnt know, maybe. But it just seems so messy. I think I want to learn Science naturally. Or, get someone else to teach my kids, someone who is passionate and loves to teach it.
However, we are doing Science. Apart from the nature walks, and the discussions, and the documentaries. We do 'do' Science. Genevieve is outlining Science from How the Universe Works. Jared is reading lots. We read together.
We do it on alternate weeks to History. That way, we do it. But I am still not happy with it. We all prefer history. We can sit on a couch and be enraptured by the story of history. We can read it ourselves and be fascinated. But my kids do not naturally pick up a National Geographic or any book on Science and just read it. I have to make them. Yes, they will watch documentaries.
I read Science. I like it. My dad is a scientist. But its just not cosy and comfortable to teach.
Maybe its because I dont have a good curriculum, but I dont think so. I have tried a few 'good' ones and I still dont even use them, they dont excite me. Even maths excites me nowadays. Even grammar. Wierd. Just not science. I love it for myself, just not to 'teach'. Maybe I should let my kids loose a bit more with it, let them find their own passions, and go from there. Maybe.
OK, I am getting myself down about this. We are ok. I know I am not alone in this anyway.

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