Saturday, October 21, 2006

4th term focus

It is our 4th term here in Australia, the last of our 4 term year. I have made a fairly radical change in our curriculum- although I am happy with what we have done so far this year, I need a change/break. I dont know if it is temporary or long term but it feels right for now. We are using Australian workbooks for Maths, English, maybe Science, and for Australian studies for my son.
And, we continue Latin, and Story of the World, and our study of the Iliad for now. The kids are also getting more time for reading and are doing an hour a day including Hakim's Story of Science for dd12. And, I even managed to squeeze in a research and report assignment the other day.
It feels like plenty! And wow, I needed at least a break from Classical Writing. I just couldnt keep it up with 3 kids. So time consuming too. Time to use that time for other things for a while.
Why did I ever push SO hard. Myself, the kids. I think we can even take it easier, but I am easing myself into taking it easier! My aim (which so far so good is actually happenning) is to get them working independently from 8.30 till 10.30, and again after lunch. I am around if needed, but they dont need me much for their workbooks. Between 11 and 12.30, while I am still fresh, we do our together work- Iliad, SOTW, whatever. Then after lunch they read, and do something else independent.
Whew, I feel as if a load has been lifted off me.

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